Crafting an Attorney Resume: A Guide to Success

In the competitive realm of law, your resume serves as your initial introduction to potential employers. It is the document that encapsulates your professional journey, skills, and accomplishments. Crafting an attorney resume requires attention to detail, strategic presentation, and a keen understanding of what legal employers seek. In this guide, we'll explore the essential components and strategies for creating a compelling attorney resume.

1. Structure and Formatting


  • Include your full name, contact information, and LinkedIn profile.

  • Ensure professionalism and consistency in font style and size.

Objective or Summary Statement (Optional):

  • Provide a brief overview of your legal expertise and career goals.

  • Tailor it to the specific job you're applying for.

Professional Experience:

  • List your work history in reverse chronological order.

  • Include the name of the firm or organization, your position, and dates of employment.

  • Highlight significant achievements, cases, or projects.

  • Use action verbs and quantifiable results to demonstrate impact.


  • Include your law school(s), degree(s) obtained, and graduation date(s).

  • Mention any honors, awards, or relevant coursework.

  • If applicable, list undergraduate education and relevant achievements.


  • Highlight legal skills such as research, writing, negotiation, and litigation.

  • Include technical proficiencies (e.g., legal software, document management systems).

  • Tailor this section to align with the job description and emphasize relevant skills.

Certifications and Bar Admissions:

  • Clearly state your bar admissions and any specialized certifications.

  • Include the jurisdiction(s) in which you're licensed to practice law.

Professional Affiliations:

  • Mention memberships in legal associations, committees, or bar organizations.

  • Highlight leadership roles or involvement in relevant legal communities.

2. Tailoring Your Resume

Customize for Each Application:

  • Modify your resume to reflect the specific requirements and preferences of each employer.

  • Highlight experiences and skills that align with the job description.

  • Research the company or organization to tailor your resume accordingly.

Quantify Achievements:

  • Use metrics and numbers to quantify your accomplishments.

  • For example, mention the number of cases you've handled, successful negotiations, or client satisfaction rates.

3. Proofreading and Review


  • Double-check dates, names, and contact information for accuracy.

  • Ensure consistency in formatting and language throughout the document.

Seek Feedback:

  • Have trusted colleagues, mentors, or professional resume writers review your resume.

  • Consider their suggestions for improvement and clarity.


  • Eliminate grammatical errors, typos, and awkward phrasing.

  • Attention to detail reflects your professionalism and dedication.


Crafting an attorney resume requires thoughtful consideration of your experiences, skills, and aspirations. It serves as a representation of your professional identity and capabilities. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can create a compelling resume that captures the attention of legal employers and sets you apart in a competitive job market. Remember, your resume is not merely a list of qualifications but a powerful tool to showcase your potential as a legal professional.

Leatherwood Legal is here to help. Please feel free to contact any of us to help review your resume We look at hundreds daily and know what wins!


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